Please Share A Moment of Joy: Walk in Woods & Warmer Weather

Northwoods Canine Connection, LLC (NCC)
Jan 11, 2022
I feel like we have been pretty lucky in Northwest Wisconsin for this winter season. However, we have just come out of a cold snap that reminded us what the wind chills are capable of. While there could be plenty more where that came from, thankfully for the next few days it looks like we will be having some warmer weather. 
Today me and the dogs went for a walk in the woods. It is one of my favorite things to watch them running, sniffing, rolling in the snow (at least I hope it is just snow), and just happily being dogs in nature. Several times I stopped to just watch them and soak it in. This may be one of my favorite moments with my dogs. 
Now I am back in the house, back on the computer to do some office work, and the dogs are all relaxing, sleeping peacefully around. This is another moment that brings me joy. 
There’s a saying out there I’m sure you’ve heard, “A tired dog is a happy dog.” While I don’t completely agree with that (that’s a post for another day), I do agree that a lot of times a tired dog makes a happy owner-at least for now in this moment. 
I’ve taken to asking people in lessons, workshops, discussions, when was the last time you felt joy with your dog? I love the answers I have been getting. 
So while there is a good chance I will be asking this again at the next Monthly Member’s Meeting, I am going to ask here. For the sake of us coming out of a cold snap, please share a time outside that brought you joy with your dog. Although honestly, any moment of joy and answer will be good. 😊  Please feel free to comment directly on this post or create a whole new post on your own! Bonus points if you include a picture. I love getting pictures of dogs! 😉 

PS I know my video wasn't the greatest, I just wanted a short clip from today. 


Shawn Haseleu
Jan 11, 2022
Hey Jana, I did the same thing today! We’ve had to settle for boots, coats, and just a short run up and down the plowed driveway for way too many days! Today we got back out in the field to run again, which was good because everyone is peacefully sleeping tonight.😁😁
Northwoods Canine Connection, LLC (NCC)
Jan 12, 2022
I admire people who bootie up their dogs and take them out--especially with multiple dogs that gets to be a lot of booties! Can be a lot of work to bundle yourself up and then bundle the dogs up--but I know it is worth it! 

Glad you guys got to go out in the field and enjoy a peaceful and good night! 

Thanks for commenting, Shawn! :) :) 
Jenni Osvold
Jan 12, 2022
My first moment of joy was picking my dogs up from boarding at your place last night. Then later Mazie and I played outside for a little bit...she had some zoomies to work out. Planning on a walk after work tonight.
Northwoods Canine Connection, LLC (NCC)
Jan 12, 2022
Isn't it the best to see the dogs after having been gone! They did really well here but I know they are happy to be home! You've got a great back! 

I hope you enjoy(ed) your walk tonight! Today was another beautiful day out! Looks like the forecast is pretty reasonable for the next few days! :) :)