Short Video of Brene Brown on Boundaries

Northwoods Canine Connection, LLC (NCC)
Feb 20, 2022
If you have worked with me for a while, chances are you have heard me bring up Brene Brown. I find her work so interesting, important and valuable.

So much of dog training is how we live our lives with our dogs and who we are with them. When I listen to Brene Brown talk about life, so often I feel like she is also discussing dog training. It may make me sound like a crazy dog person to say that dog training is life and life is dog training...but that is how I feel.

Dinner is on the table and while I could keep rambling about the importance of boundaries, I will save that for the many other posts I will have discussing the subject. But for now, I wanted to leave you with this video.

I would love your feedback!