Importance of Leash Skills

Northwoods Canine Connection, LLC (NCC)
Oct 4, 2022
When you live in the country with land for your dogs to run, it can be hard to make time for intentional leash time. I’ve often had people tell me they aren’t sure when the last time their dog was even on a leash because they live on the country and their dog is primarily off leash. 
While I love that those dogs are getting so much freedom outside and time to be dogs, I really believe the value of having dogs be able to have good loose leash walking skills. I could write pages and pages upon pages of why dogs should have loose leash skills. I’m going to reign it in, instead just giving a short list of why I believe all dogs should have loose leash walking skills, yes, even country dogs. 
1)      There are parts of life that happen on leash. Going to the vet, for example, requires a leash. If your dog is injured or in recovery where they are on leash restriction, having leash skills will help make that process not only less frustrating for everyone involved, but safer for the dog. 
2)      One of the best things we can do for our dogs is teach them how to live in this human world. Part of them is for preparing them for life in all different ways. Even if you don’t live in town, can your dog comfortably walk in town? If you had to suddenly move into town, how would your dog handle that transition? If you were to have to rehome your dog to someone who lived in town, would your dog adjust? Now before you tell me that you will never ever live in town, or you would never rehome your dog, let me just say I have heard that many, many times before from people who moved to town or are in the process of rehoming their dogs. Just because you believe it wont happen doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare your dog for something different. 
3)      Socialization is so important to dogs throughout their whole life-not just when they’re puppies. Socialization isn’t just meeting new dogs and people, which they can do at home. It is also getting your dogs comfortable with different environments. By doing so you can build confidence, resilience and adaptability in your dogs-which are all good to have. You never know what life is going to throw at you. 
4)      Dogs that can walk on nice loose leashes are more enjoyable to take with on leash. That means they get included in more things because it isn’t a pain to take them. Dogs do not get enough time with us as we would like, so making the best out of the time we have with them is incredibly important. 
5)      Leashes are a supportive communication tool. When we are skill building with our dogs or working on our relationship with them, a leash can be a beneficial connection with our dog. 
I am very grateful to live on 69 beautiful acers of fields, woods and a creek. My dogs are all off leash reliable and love to be out there with me. One of my favorite things to do with my dogs is to take them out for their walks. While this is a great way to fulfill their needs, I still believe in the value of the points above and try to make an effort to take them to town for walks, onto different walking trails, and into public stores that allow it (thank you pet stores and Farm and Fleet). 
However, I will be the first to say this summer went by so fast that I only had my dogs on leash a couple of times. At last week’s open session I was so excited to be able to have my dogs out and they were also very excited….it showed and I had some work to do! I was a little critical of them and myself at times (a bad habit I am working on), but I feel like overall they did well.
 I am looking forward to tonight’s open session to have them on leash again. And of course with this nice Fall weather I am looking forward to some walks in town and the Red Cedar Trail to get some socialization and work on some other skills.